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27 Iceland Travel Tips & Tricks to Know Before Your First Trip

27 Iceland Travel Tips & Tricks to Know Before Your First Trip

Thinking of visiting Iceland and have any travel-related questions? This guide with our top tips for Iceland should give you a better idea of what to expect when traveling to Iceland for the first time. These are experience-based Iceland travel tips that should answer all your practical questions and help you prepare for your trip to Iceland. Find out!

Good to know: We have been to Iceland multiple times (you can find all our articles and tips in our Iceland travel guide). We’ve been to Iceland in winter and in summer. I traveled alone, as a couple, and with kids. We traveled in a regular car and with a 4WD, driving the Ring Road and exploring the highlands, but also with a group tour in winter…

So this Iceland travel advice is based on our personal experience in Iceland during all those trips. It’s not a guide based on a single trip as most others that you’ll find… This list of Iceland travel tips contains all the most important things that we think are essential or interesting to know before going to Iceland.

Furthermore, we run Iceland and Scandinavia travel group on Facebook where we see many similar questions coming up again and again.

Do I need to take cash to Iceland? Do I need a 4WD or can I drive the Ring Road in a regular car? What kind of boots do I need for Iceland? Do I need a travel adapter or a converter for Iceland? What kind of weather can I expect? Can I drive the whole Ring Road in 5 days in winter? And how come I don’t find any affordable hotels for my trip next week?….

So in this article, we collected all the Iceland FAQs in one place. I hope that these tips will help you better prepare for your trip to Iceland and make the most out of it. Find out!

Iceland travel tips

Here are our top tips for visiting Iceland:

1. Book in advance

This is probably one of the most important travel tips for Iceland. You really need to book everything for your Iceland trip well in advance!

From flights to rental cars and from accommodation to tours – make sure that you book everything well upfront. The longer you wait, the less choice you have and the more you’ll pay.

The best price/quality hotels are the first ones to get fully booked, the best deals for car hire cannot be found upon arrival at the airport (in fact, there might not be any cars left at all – happens all the time), and the best tours sell out too. And yes, even the famous Blue Lagoon has to be booked in advance.

So if you want to keep your Iceland trip more affordable and stress-free, do yourself a favor and book as much as you can upfront.

Where to Stay in Iceland
Where to Stay in Reykjavik
Best Tours in Iceland


2. Don’t use cash

One of the most frequently asked questions I see again and again is ‘do you need cash in Iceland?’. It’s as if people read about it and still cannot believe that you don’t. So, once again, no, you don’t need cash in Iceland. 

Nordic countries are famous for their almost nonexistent cash payments and Iceland is no exception. 

Paying by credit or debit card is possible everywhere in Iceland. EVERYWHERE. Even a 200 ISK (1.5 EUR) fee for the use of a bathroom in Thingvellir National Park can be paid by credit card. This is probably a bad example because now you think that using a bathroom is expensive in Iceland. Thingvellir is actually one of the few places where you have to pay for the bathroom.

Nowadays, you can also simply pay for many products or services with your phone, just as you would at home.

Agreed, having foreign money in your hands might make your traveling experience feel more authentic. But if money is just a means of payment to you, save yourself all the trouble and unnecessary spending at the end of the trip in order to get rid of the cash, and use your credit card instead.

Good to know: Iceland uses Icelandic króna and no, you cannot pay in euros or in the US dollar. If you absolutely want to take cash, take an equivalent of some 50-80 USD. That should be more than enough for small expenses where credit cards aren’t accepted. As I write this, I really can’t think of one single example where we couldn’t use a credit card in Iceland. But some people in our FB group reported that ‘some toilets only take cash’.

Icelandic krona - you don't need cash money in Iceland, just use credit cards
You don’t really need cash in Iceland

3. Use credit cards with a pin

You can use all major credit cards in Iceland, but VISA and Mastercard are by far the best. Amex is not widely accepted and Diner’s Club is pretty much useless. Debit cards (or cash-only cards) are also widely accepted.

One thing you should know is that you should take a card with a chip and a 4-digit PIN to Iceland. Make sure that you know your PIN number by heart! You’ll need a credit card for all the payments all over Iceland – from restaurant bills to petrol stations – and the easiest way to pay is by using the card with a pin.

Good to know: Many of our American readers say that they were able to use their regular credit cards with just a swipe and a signature all over Iceland except at the unmanned petrol stations. So if you don’t have a credit card with a pin and rather not get one, you could get a prepaid fuel card upon arrival in Iceland. That way you can use that card at unmanned petrol stations that have no shops or personnel.

The only problem with these prepaid cards is that you have to try to estimate how much money to put on them from the start and it’s not always easy. Furthermore, you’ll only be able to use this prepaid card at the same chain, so be sure to pick a big one like N1.

TIP: If you don’t have the right credit card and want to get a new one, check out this selection of the best American credit cards for travel. I recommend choosing a card with no foreign transaction fees (and a pin!).


4. Be prepared for the ever-changing weather

It always makes me smile when people ask what kind of weather they’ll get in a certain travel period. It’s just impossible to answer. Yes, it will be colder in January than in July, but that’s pretty much an accurate prediction as anyone can give you…

Icelandic weather is so unpredictable that it can change from winter to summer in just a day. Gulf Stream keeps Iceland cool in summer and mild in winter. The average temperature in Reykjavik is around 0°C (31°F) in January and only 13°C (55°F) in July.

No matter when you visit Iceland – in summer, in winter, or any time in between, you ALWAYS have to be prepared for all types of weather. It can (and it will) change multiple times a day. You may start the day in glorious sunshine, get soaking wet in a torrential downpour or blown by the indescribable wind an hour later, and end up driving in a mist with zero visibility another couple of hours later… You just never know.

Also, don’t trust the weather forecast alone. Often, the temperatures might look ok, but the wind makes a huge difference.

READ ALSO: When to Visit Iceland: Summer vs Winter

5. Dress in layers and wear a waterproof outer layer

You will need casual clothing in layers for excursions and some smart clothes if going out. Warm wind- and waterproof jacket and a swimsuit are necessary all year round.

In summer or in winter, always dress in layers and always have a waterproof outer layer at hand, A good waterproof jacket is essential. So are good waterproof boots and waterproof rain pants. You should also always have a buff, a pair of gloves, and a warm hat with you.

Below you can find our tips for what to pack for Iceland in every season. The summer list is for mid-May to mid-September and the winter list applies for the rest of the year (October to April-May). Bookmark these articles or download our packing lists to make sure you’re not forgetting anything essential.

LEARN MORE: What to Wear in Iceland in Summer & What to Wear in Iceland in Winter

6. Pack waterproof shoes

If you want to enjoy your Iceland trip to the fullest, good sturdy shoes are a must. In summer, I recommend good waterproof hiking boots and in winter – warm sturdy winter boots with a good grip.

I wore these Lowa hiking boots in Iceland in summer and these UGG waterproof winter boots in Iceland in winter.

Once, I packed water-resistant hiking boots to Iceland but found that it really wasn’t enough. Waterproof shoes are really a must in Iceland in any season!

LEARN MORE: Best Winter Boots for Travel

Walking through the water on Raudasandur beach in Iceland
You really need good waterproof shoes in order to enjoy your Icelandic trip to the fullest!

7. Keep an eye on weather alerts and road closures

Make sure to always check if there are any weather alerts or road closures when traveling in Iceland. While it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on the weather forecast and any safety warnings, it’s absolutely essential to do this if visiting Iceland outside of the summer season.

In winter, many roads in Iceland are closed. And even sections of the major roads like the Ring Road might get closed due to snowfall or similar. It’s essential that you check if there are any 

TIP: Bookmark and websites or download their apps and check them every single day!

Waterfall along Fjallabaksleidsydri scenic road in Iceland
You can expect all kinds of weather in Iceland, but it’s always amazing, even on the gloomy days

8. Know how much to budget for your trip

Iceland is not a cheap country, but most costs can be compared to how much everything costs in the other Scandinavian countries or Switzerland. The most expensive things are accommodation, dining out, and organized activities.

TIP: You can save a lot of money by booking things in advance.

LEARN MORE: How expensive is Iceland + Budget Tips

9. You don’t have to tip

It’s not customary to tip in Iceland and tips are not expected. Your restaurant bill is high enough as it is and service is already included in it. 

Many people like to tip tour guides in Iceland. However, while always appreciated, it’s also not a must. If you absolutely want to tip your tour guides, you may want to take some cash. Many people just tip in USD or in EUR.

How expensive is Iceland - price examples for food, hotels, car rental, activities, and more
Icelandic sweaters – one of the most expensive, but also useful souvenirs you can buy in Iceland

10. Drive carefully

Iceland has right-hand traffic. Driving in Iceland is very relaxing as there is hardly any traffic outside of Reykjavik. In summer, it’s easy to explore Iceland along the main Ring Road by car. 

However, most main roads in Iceland, including the biggest parts of the Ring Road, have just one lane in each direction and no shoulder. It’s therefore extremely important that you drive carefully and keep your eyes on the road all the time. You have to anticipate for sheep and tourists on the road – the latter often even more careless and unpredictable.

Do not stop on the side of the road, because others won’t be able to easily pass you. 

It’s also good to know that Iceland has many single-lane bridges and also some single-lane tunnels. There are always signs indicating who has priority and how to approach it, but you have to drive slowly enough to see those signs in time!

Just on our last trip to Iceland, we saw three drivers in one day (yes, 3 in 1 day!) driving on the wrong side of the road. If you don’t even know on which side of the road they drive in Iceland, you really shouldn’t be renting a car and driving. Iceland is not the country to start learning to drive!

Good to know: Driving in winter is yet a whole other story. You can expect icy roads, snow on the roads, the wind blowing so much snow that you can’t see anything, and also darkness. Even if you have winter driving experience at home, driving in Iceland in winter is a whole other league. If you don’t have any winter driving experience, please do yourself and others a favor, and do not drive. There are plenty of organized tours. It’s just not worth your life!

LEARN MORE: Driving in Iceland in Winter

Driving in Iceland in September - road conditions are generally very good
Part of the Ring Road

11. Know when you need to rent a 4WD or 4×4

No, you don’t necessarily need a 4WD or a 4×4 in Iceland. The Ring Road is paved and most attractions along this popular road can easily be reached in a regular 2WD car.

That being said, if you are traveling to Iceland in winter (October to April/May), a 4WD or a 4×4 is always a good idea.

Also in summer, if you are planning to get a bit off the beaten path and visit some places like the lighthouses of Snaefellsnes Peninsula, the cliffs of Reykjanes Peninsula, or the Westfjords, to mention just a few, you should also consider renting a 4WD.

Depending on the places you are planning to visit, you don’t absolutely need a car that is allowed to drive on the F-roads (see below). But having a 4WD just makes your trip so much less stressful and more enjoyable.

12. Know what the F-roads are

You may have heard about the F-roads in Iceland, but what are they?

The F-roads are secondary roads in Iceland and usually, they are gravel. However, one F-road is not equal to another. While some F-roads are just simple gravel roads, some others are extremely bumpy, yet others have serious river crossings.

Driving the F-roads requires a 4WD or a 4×4. In some cases, it requires a 4×4 super jeep.

Most F-roads are usually only open from mid-June to approx. end September (weather dependent). If you are planning to drive any F-roads, make sure that you do proper research and know which roads are ok in a regular 4WD or a small 4×4 and which ones require a 4×4 super jeep.

Make sure that you rent a car that is suitable for the roads you are planning to drive and that your rental agreement allows you to use that car on the F-roads. Please also note that even the best and the most complete insurance does not cover river crossings.

LEARN MORE: Bucket-list trip in the Highlands of Iceland with a Private Driver

Super jeep crossing a river in the Icelandic Highlands
Driving in Icelandic highlands is best done with the right car and a local driver

13. Take full insurance for your car

I can’t even tell you how often I see this question – ‘Do I really need 100% insurance coverage for my rental car in Iceland?‘. The answer is yes!

While it is very likely that nothing will happen and you won’t need your car insurance, the chances are quite high that you will need it. And in that case, the repair costs will be huge…

I’ve seen tens of stories from people whose car window got smashed by flying rocks or whose car doors were ripped-off by strong winds in Iceland, and those who didn’t take full insurance, end up paying a lot of money for these accidents that they couldn’t even do anything about…

Our experience: We’ve been to Iceland several times and luckily we had full insurance every time. On our first trip (end of May-beginning of June), we encountered a snowstorm and icy roads and our car slid off the road. Luckily, there was no damage to the car or the people, but at least we didn’t have to worry about the insurance, just getting our car back on the road…

On our most recent trip, we got a flat tire in the Westfjords. It was completely ruined beyond repair and our insurance covered the new tire that we bought. We didn’t even have to prepay for it – the car rental company contacted the garage and sorted it all out.

TIP: I recommend renting your car via this website. Not only can you compare different providers and find the best deals for your rental car, but you are also much better protected in case a local company goes bankrupt as it recently happened with our favorite local provider in Iceland. Our experience with them has always been great.

READ ALSO: Why You Need Travel Insurance

Driving on the F-roads in Snaefellsnes Peninsula in Iceland
Driving on the F-roads in Snaefellsnes Peninsula. Having full insurance lets you truly enjoy your trip and explore the most amazing places without any worries.

14. Make a road trip

Now that I told you that driving in Iceland isn’t always easy or advisable, I also want to say that renting a car and road-tripping is also the best way to explore Iceland. 

Public transport options are very limited and day tours are quite expensive. In winter, I recommend taking tours from Reykjavik or a multi-day organized trip like this, but in summer you can easily explore Iceland on your own.

Staying in Reykjavik and visiting all the nicest places by taking tours isn’t ideal (unless in winter) and I really recommend exploring Iceland by taking a road trip. The most popular places along the South Coast of Iceland can be visited in as little as 4-5 days. Here you can find a very detailed itinerary covering all the must-see places in the south of Iceland: 4 days in Iceland.

If you want to tour the entire Ring Road, I recommend at least 10-12 days. See our recommended 10-day Iceland Ring Road itinerary for how to best plan your time.

With a week in Iceland, you can see all the very best places in the south and in the west. Here you can see our recommended one week Iceland itinerary.

READ ALSO: Iceland Itinerary Suggestions

15. Research where to go and what to see

Iceland is so big and there is so much to see that it’s really hard to visit all the best places in just a few days. A lot depends on the season when you’re traveling as well. It’s, therefore, important to do some research in advance.

The most popular places to visit are Reykjavik, the Golden Circle, the Blue Lagoon, the waterfalls and the black sand beaches of the South Coast, and also Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon. Our 4-day itinerary mentioned above covers all these must-see places.

If you have the time, however, I really recommend that you explore Iceland deeper. Because it has so much more to offer than that!

LEARN MORE: Best Places to See in Iceland & Best Things to Do on Iceland’s South Coast

Jokulsarlon glacier lagoon should be included in every Iceland trip itinerary
Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon

16. Get off the beaten path

Iceland has become such a popular destination and some places are really busy. Reykjavik, the Blue Lagoon, and the main attractions along the south coast can get really crowded at any time of the year… And also the Myvatn area in summer…

The good news is that there are still plenty of incredible places in Iceland that are not yet overrun by tourists and where you can experience the most beautiful nature and local life without the crowds.

Icelandic highlands are, of course, like that, but most places there aren’t easily accessible. However, there are plenty of easily accessible places that are not busy at all. Here are just a few examples of some incredible less-visited destinations in Iceland that we absolutely love:

Westfjords in Iceland
Westfjords – one of the lesser-visited regions in Iceland

17. Get a Wi-Fi hotspot or mobile data package

There is good mobile network coverage pretty much everywhere in Iceland. Even on my trip exploring the Icelandic Highlands, we had 4G mobile network coverage almost everywhere. I was making video calls with my kids from some of the most amazing locations in the middle of nowhere.

All hotels and most restaurants in Iceland have free high-speed Wi-Fi.

If you have a SIM card from any of the EU countries, you won’t be charged any roaming fees in Iceland.

If you are coming from the US, I suggest that you either rent a portable Wi-Fi device. They are available for hire at the airport and some car rental companies offer them as well. You can connect multiple devices to it and enjoy good internet during your entire trip.

Some people choose to also buy a local SIM card, but I don’t really see why you’d need one if you have a portable wifi device or a mobile data pack. You can make phone calls via WhatsApp or other apps on your phone.

18. Learn a few words of Icelandic

If you speak English, you have nothing to worry about when visiting Iceland. Everyone seems to speak English so you will not need to learn Icelandic. However, it might be useful to learn a few words of Icelandic. Even if just to better understand the names of the places you’ll be visiting.

Remember the impossible name of the volcano that erupted a few years ago – Eyjafjallajökull? Ask Icelanders how to pronounce it so you can impress everyone back home.

Just a note on Icelandic place names. The long seemingly impossible words are actually just a combination of shorter words. 

So, for example, the above-mentioned Eyjafjallajökull means ‘the glacier of an island mountain’: eyja (island), fjalla (mountain), and jökull (glacier). Reykjavik means ‘bay of smokes’: reykja (smoke) and vik (bay), etc.

Here are some other popular words that you’ll see used in the place names all over Iceland: foss = waterfall, vik=bay, fjordur= fjord, dalur= valley, Vegur=road, gata=street, gljúfur=canyon, jökull=glacier, fjall=mountain and fjöll=mountains…

19. Drink tap water

Tap water in Iceland is safe and it’s really good. Make sure to pack a reusable drinking bottle for your day trips and fill it with tap water.

There is really no reason to buy bottled water in Iceland. All restaurants serve tap water for free – here is a healthy way to save money.

20. Enjoy the best of Iceland for free

The best things in life are free, and so are the best things in Iceland. There are no entrance fees to any of the most famous landmarks. Waterfalls, glaciers, geysers, national parks – you can visit them all for free.

21. Don’t miss local pools and hot springs

While everybody always talks about the famous geothermal pools such as the Blue Lagoon, Sky Lagoon, Myvatn Nature Baths, and a few others, most people forget that Iceland is a country of swimming pools. Every town and most smaller villages in Iceland have a pool. And not just any pool!

Most local pools in Iceland are first-class facilities. Often, they are outdoor pools that also have multiple hot tubs, saunas, and steam baths. Many local pools also have baby pools, water toys for kids, or even water slides. Furthermore, these pools cost just a fraction of the popular ones, and there are hardly any people there.

There are also many natural hot springs all over Iceland where you are allowed to swim.

So when planning your trip, make sure to check for local pools or hot springs. It’s the best way to end your day of sightseeing! Every day!

Hofsos swimming pool in Iceland
Hofsos swimming pool in Iceland

22. Pack European travel adapters

In Iceland, the electricity is 220 volts and you have to use European type C adapters.

For regular devices such as mobile phones, a simple travel adapter is enough. For heavy devices, you’d need a converter, but I’d say leave such devices at home. Most hotels provide hair dryers.

23. Prepare for endless days in summer and just a few hours of daylight in winter

Here are just some examples of what to expect in terms of daylight when visiting Iceland:

  • In summer, the sun never sets in Iceland, so the days are endless. If you visit in May or June, you have pretty much 24 hours of daylight.
  • If you travel to Iceland at the beginning of April or the beginning of September, you will have about 14 hours of daylight.
  • In December, you’ll have just 4 hours of daylight in Southern Iceland and just 3-4 hours of daylight in North Iceland. It’s essential to plan your winter trip to Iceland well, or you won’t see much.

Good to know: Iceland in on GMT time zone, so there is a 1 hour difference from the UK and 2 hours from Western Europe. Local time in Iceland is 4 hours ahead of New York.

READ ALSO: Travel Tips for Iceland in Winter

Travel Tips for Iceland
Black sand beach in Vik, along the South Coast of Iceland

24. Know what to expect when searching for the Northern Lights

Many people visit Iceland hoping to see the Northern Lights. And indeed, Iceland is a great place for that! You can expect to see auroras between September and March – mid-April, but it remains a gamble.

There are some things that you should know and also some tips that can increase your chances to see the Northern Lights. We compiled a complete guide answering all the questions and sharing all our best tips for aurora hunting in Iceland. Click on the link below to read more!

LEARN MORE: Northern Lights Iceland

25. Pack sleeping masks in summer

I think I mentioned this a dozen times in so many articles about traveling to the Nordics in summer. If you want to enjoy your summer trip to Iceland, you really should pack a sleeping mask. Most hotels and accommodations do not have full black-out curtains and since it stays light the entire night, you won’t get any sleep without covering your eyes.

TIP: After lots of trial and error, we now have these sleeping masks that we use for our Nordic vacations. They are excellent – comfortable, not too warm, and they stay on your face really well.

LEARN MORE: What to Pack for Iceland in Summer

26. Pack crampons in winter

Most locals and tourists who have experienced a true winter wonderland in Iceland recommend packing crampons or stabilicers/ice cleats when visiting Iceland in winter.

The pavements in town can be ice and walking paths around the waterfalls often look like an ice skating rink. If you want to safely enjoy your winter trip, it’s really advisable to wear ice cleats over your shoes.

TIP: You don’t have to buy really heavy or expensive crampons. I now use this type of ice cleats for my winter trips and they do the job just fine. Furthermore, they are light to pack, fit in your pocket, and are very easy to put on or take off.

LEARN MORE: Iceland Packing List for Winter


27. Stay safe

Iceland is a very safe country and the crime rate is very low. To give you an idea, the total prison capacity in Iceland is about 120 prisoners, and it’s more than sufficient. If there is one country in the world where you don’t have to worry about safety, then it has to be Iceland.

That being said, recently there have been quite a few cases of people being robbed by pickpockets at the popular natural attractions along the Golden Circle. So it never harms to be extra careful.

The biggest danger for tourists is driving, unpredictable weather, and reckless behavior in nature. So keep an eye for alerts, obey the signs at the cliffs, waterfalls, and beaches and make sure to drive responsibly.

And if you are visiting an active volcano, don’t walk on lava! It might look like it’s hard already, but often, there’s still a lot of activity underneath and the crust is very thin!

Iceland active volcano - Fagradalsfjall eruption
Fagradalsfjall volcano eruption in Iceland. Many tourists visiting the volcano have been seen walking on a thin crust of lava – don’t do that, it’s very dangerous!

So, these are some of our essential travel tips for Iceland. Below are some of the frequently asked questions that you may also want to read if visiting Iceland for the first time – read on!

And if you have any other practical questions about visiting Iceland that are not answered here, feel free to leave a reply below and I’ll try to help.

You’re also welcome to join our Iceland and Scandinavia Travel group on Facebook which has thousands of members, so there is always somebody who can help you out.

Iceland Travel FAQs

How many days do you need in Iceland?

You need at least 4 days in order to see the main landmarks along the south coast in Iceland, including Reykjavik. You need at least 10 days to explore all the main places along the Ring Road in Iceland.

What is the best month to visit Iceland?

Iceland has something special and unique to offer in every season. However, for lower crowds, pleasant weather, good driving conditions, and a chance to see the Northern Lights, we recommend going in September.

Can you see all the best places in Iceland from Reykjavik?

No, you cannot see all the best places in Iceland just by staying in Reykjavik. There are many nice tours from Reykjavik, including Golden Circle, South Coast, and Snaefellsnes Peninsula. But for everything further than that, you’ll need to rent a car or join a multi-day tour.

What is the best way to tour Iceland?

The best way to see Iceland is to rent a car and make a road trip. Icelanders drive on the right and traffic outside Reykjavik and the most popular south coast attractions, is usually very quiet. That being said, driving in Iceland in winter can be dangerous and requires good preparation and flexibility.

Do people speak English in Iceland?

Yes, the majority of Icelanders speak English and you will not have any problems communicating with the locals. English is taught as a second language and most Icelanders speak it fluently.

Is tipping customary in Iceland?

No, tipping is not expected in Iceland. So you don’t have to tip at restaurants or hotels. However, many foreigners like to tip their tour guides and it’s always appreciated.

Can I really use credit card everywhere in Iceland?

Yes, you can use a credit card for pretty much everything in Iceland. On all our recent trips we never had any cash and we didn’t miss it at all. Even the smallest purchases can be paid by credit card. However, make sure that you have a credit card with a 4-digit pin.


More tips for your trip to Iceland:

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Tips for visiting Iceland for the first time

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Friday 21st of June 2024

? Traveling to Iceland (three cities) and ending in Reykjavik via Holland America on July 10. Looking for someone to pick us (myself and husband) up at cruise port at 8am, take us to Blue Lagoon for two-three hour visit and then give us ride with tourist information to airport. Time 8am-2pm. Possible?


Saturday 22nd of June 2024

Hi Pam, with the right budget, everything is possible. If you want to have the same driver for all this, your best bet is to contact some of the local companies that offer private transfers and ask for a quote (search online). I would try at least two and compare the prices. Taking into account that a one-way private transfer between the cruise port and Keflavik airport at the moment costs about $200 (see here), you are probably looking at a cost of at least $400 for something like this. Plus, you have to reserve the Blue Lagoon tickets.


Tuesday 5th of March 2024

Hi, We want to visit the following sites on our 4 night Iceland trip in late October. We weren't sure of the order in which to do this. We will be staying the first 3 nights in Hella at the Hotel Ranga. We are not sure where to stay our last night. We flights arrive early morning and leave late afternoon. Golden Circle with the 3 major sites, Lava show and/or Perla Museum, Raufarhoshellir Lava Tubes, Sky Lagoon, Solheimajokull Glacier Hike, Reynisfjara Black Beach, Seljalandfoss Waterfall, Gljufrafoss Waterfall, Kerid Crater, Efstidular Farm, Langjokull Ice Cave and Monster Truck Tour. Looking forward to your advise! Cynthia


Thursday 7th of March 2024

Hi Cynthia, as much as I would like to help each and every reader, preparing a detailed itinerary tailored especially for your trip, time of the year, and interests takes way too much time and it's not something I can help with. The best you can do is group the places per day, so e.g. visit the Golden Circle one day, the South Coast another day/two days, and the places in/near Reykjavik on the first or the last day of your trip. If you are planning to do tours like Langjokull Glacier, then it's best to start with that and see what's available, on which dates/ hours, and then build the rest of your itinerary around it. Please take a look at our 4-day itinerary and 7-day winter itinerary for some ideas of how you could plan your time on some of those days. Keep in mind that it gets dark around 5.30-6 pm at the end of October.


Sunday 28th of January 2024

Hi, I'm planning to visit Iceland with my 2 kids (13 and 15, so 3 persons total) during July but am afraid there will be way more tourists (such as myself :) than I am expecting. Is this a valid concern? Thanks for your time, cheerio!


Monday 29th of January 2024

Hi George, it's only a concern in some very popular areas (e.g. the main stops on the Golden Circle or the main waterfalls on the South Coast). Depending on which places or at which time of the day you visit, it might be completely deserted or very busy. But if you get just a bit off the main tourist route or visit the most popular sites early in the morning or later in the day, the crowds are not something I would worry about. The main worry is that you may have trouble finding accommodations in the more rural areas along the Ring Road because there are very few options. Even fewer choices for more than 2 people in the room, although 3 is much easier than 4. So if you want to travel in July this year, book ASAP (also your rental car).


Monday 8th of January 2024

Thank you for all the various itineraries and tips! Been looking at planning iceland and was getting confused a lot before this. However I have one big question that probably gets asked a lot:

when is the best season to visit, summer or winter?

I cannot decide between February and June. The daylight hours in February are quite acceptable (6pm sunset), however not too keen on cold weather. The deciding factor for me would be, should I see the scenery/landscape in summer or in winter?


Wednesday 10th of January 2024

Hi Jay, there is not one 'best' season to visit Iceland. It really depends on your interests. We actually have an article about this - see here: what to expect in Iceland in summer vs winter. That being said, based on what you wrote above, I think that summer is the best way to go for you. June is a wonderful time in Iceland, with lupine blossoms, little lambs, endless days, and pretty decent weather. The scenery is nice - I'm sure you'll love it. Just one thing - if you are thinking of going this year and want to make a road trip - book your hotels and rent a car asap. Take a look at our Iceland itinerary suggestions for some ideas on how to plan your trip.


Wednesday 1st of November 2023

We are planning to go for 7 nights in February. We would prefer to do bus tours rather than drive. What advice to you have? Thank you for this great opportunity to gather such helpful information.


Saturday 4th of November 2023

Hi Jennifer, with 7 days and not opting for a self-drive trip, you can either opt for a multi-day Ring Road tour (e.g. like this if the dates suit you), stay in Reykjavik and make day trips, or - probably the best option - a combination of the two (e.g. a 3-day tour of South Coast + some time in Reykjavik and a few day tours to some other places that are not covered by the 3-day tour). Here you can find the best day tour suggestions for a winter trip. Have a great trip!

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