Day Trip to Ypres, War Sites, and World War I Battlefields in Belgium

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Does the name Ypres (Ieper) ring a bell to you? What about Flanders Fields – the World War I battlefields in Belgium? If it does, you are now probably seeing images of the ‘great’ war, of the trenches and poison gas, and of hundreds of thousands of young soldiers who lost their lives in the war…
If you are wondering how to visit Ypres and the WW1 sites and battlefields in Belgium, then read on!
In this article, we are sharing our experience and tips for your visit to Ypres and the WWI battlefields. First, you can read about what to see and do in Ypres. In addition, you can find information about Tyne Cot and other famous Great War cemeteries near Ypres, as well as other WWI sites.
At the bottom of this post, you can find our suggested self-drive 1-day itinerary and also organized day tours that visit Ypres and WW1 sites in Belgium.
TIP: If you have no time to read the article and are looking for the best tour that visits Ypres and the battlefields, then check out this highly-rated day tour. It’s the best tour that’s available and ideal if you don’t have a car.
Day Trip to Ypres and World War I Battlefields
Why did we choose Ypres and the WWI battlefields for a family day trip?
This part of Europe has been a battlefield for so many armies throughout history, and Belgian schools do their utmost to ensure that future generations do not forget. The WWI battlefields near Ypres and the WWII Bastogne War Museum and Mardasson Memorial are the main war sites in Belgium and every child learns about their significance.
So it was not a surprise that our 8-year-old son came home from school one day and told us what he had learned about the terrible battlefields in West Flanders where hundreds of thousands of soldiers from all over the world died in the mud. He learned about the use of poison gas, Yperite, life in the trenches, and the fact that the soldiers were even eating their horses in order to survive in no-man’s-land.
We then realized that it was maybe time to bring him and his little brothers to the places he had heard and read about. In fact, we felt a bit ashamed, because it’s less than 2 hours from where we live and we hadn’t visited Ypres yet. While, in the meantime, tens of thousands of people come from all over the world to visit Ypres and the war battlefields every year…
So we thought it was a good time to take some time for reflection and to go back in time a hundred years (or does that sound too serious now?). And we decided to make a day trip to Ypres and surroundings.
We had a very interesting, moving, and educational day and so I want to share our experience. Whether you live here or are visiting Belgium, Ypres and the WWI battlefields are certainly worth the trip!

In Flanders Fields
Before I share practical information about visiting Ypres and the WWI Battlefields, I’d like to share this beautiful poem by John McCrae – ‘In Flanders Fields’.
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Tyne Cot Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery and Memorial
It was a cold December day and when we arrived in the tiny village of Zonnebeke the faint winter sun was there to welcome us.
It is here that some of the most infamous battles of WWI, the battle of Passchendaele (Passendale), took place in 1917, taking the lives of more than half a million soldiers.
Tyne Cot war cemetery is an obligatory stop when visiting the war battlefields in Belgium. It put us all in the ‘mood’ for the rest of that day: an impressive burial ground for almost 12,000 Commonwealth soldiers, most of whom the name/identity could never be established.
Our kids understood the meaning of a ‘world war’ after seeing headstones of soldiers from places as far away as Australia, New-Zealand, Canada, South-Africa or India in this tiny little village in Flanders.
The stone wall surrounding the cemetery makes-up the Tyne Cot Memorial to the Missing. Walking around here and seeing the names of almost 35,000 missing Commonwealth soldiers who died here after 1917 is very moving.

Practical information for visiting Tyne Cot:
- Tyne Cot is located approx. 10km outside the city center of Ypres. Address: Vijfwegestraat, 8980 Zonnebeke
- The Tyne Cot visitor’s center was closed during winter, but the cemetery can be visited anytime.
After visiting Tyne Cot, we drove to the center of Ypres, where we had a quick lunch. It wasn’t that easy to find something at a decent price and good quality in this tourist area in the low season, but there were a few restaurants open. I assume that there is more choice if you come here in the high tourist season.
After lunch, we visited the In Flanders Field Museum – it’s located right on the main town square of Ypres.

Ypres – Ieper
When you are visiting the battlefields, make sure to also take the time to explore the small town center of Ypres. If you are not sure where to go, you can follow the signs on the pavement for a tourist route – see the picture below.
Don’t miss the Cloth Hall where In Flanders Fields Museum is located, the St Martin’s Cathedral, the Menin Gate Memorial and the Ramparts next to the canal! Read on for more information about these places!

In Flanders Fields Museum and the Bell Tower
The In Flanders Fields Museum is situated right on the main square of Ypres town, in the impressive Lakenhalle building, or Ypres Cloth Hall. This is definitely a must if you want to get a picture of life during the war!
We steered the kids away from some of the videos and photographs that were too shocking in detail. On the other hand, our kids showed a huge interest in the stories told by children who survived the war, in the weapons, the clothes, and the various interactive displays.
For more information and practical information, check the official website of the In Flanders Fields museum.

Inside the museum, you can also opt to climb the Bell Tower (Belfry). If you’re fit enough, make sure to do it! The views are great and in the distance, you can see the surroundings where all those battles of WWI took place.
Needless to say, we climbed the 231 steps of the Bell Tower (our kids can never resist a tower to climb!). From there, we had a fantastic view of the city, including the Menin Gate. It’s definitely worth the climb and the kids loved it!

The Menin Gate and the Last Post
Another must-see landmark in Ypres, the Menin Gate, is sometimes also referred to as Ypres War Memorial. It has the names of almost 55,000 missing Commonwealth soldiers who died in the area between 1914 and 1917. Hundreds of thousands of men passed through this gate on their way to the battlefields.
The size of the monument is very impressive. But it’s not before you see thousands of names on the endless walls that you really get a lump in your throat. There are flowers everywhere and many ‘We will not forget’ messages that people still leave here every day.
“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.”
– Laurence Binyon
Good to know: Every evening, at 8 PM, the Last Post is sounded at the Menin Gate. Following the Menin Gate Memorial opening in 1927, the people of Ypres wanted to express their gratitude towards those who had given their lives for Belgium’s freedom, and since that day for almost a century now, a daily ceremony is held at the Menin Gate. It’s a simple, but moving tribute.
The Last Post would certainly have been an unforgettable experience, but we also wanted to visit other places around Ypres, so we decided to leave this for a next visit. And indeed, a few months later, we returned to Ypres and listened to the Last Post. It’s so moving! If you can, wait for it.

The Ramparts of Ypres
If you have some time to discover Ypres more, it’s well worth walking on the walls surrounding the city.
The Ypres ramparts can be accessed via the Menin Gate. The official website of Ypres tourism has some more information about the Ramparts of Ypres.

Yorkshire Trench & Dug-Out
Our kids wanted to see the trenches, so we drove to the Yorkshire Trench & Dug-Out where we could walk through the restored trenches.
We had some difficulties finding the place in the middle of an industrial area. In fact, the whole place has only been discovered in 1997 with the creation of the industrial site. While the kids walked through the trenches we read the explanatory signs. It’s so eye-opening to learn about life during the war.
Practical info for visiting Yorkshire Trench & Dug-Out:
- Yorkshire Trench & Dug-Out is not easy to find. It’s a very small place, amidst the industrial buildings, so drive slowly and look for a sign, on the left side if coming from Ypres. Address: Bargiestraat, 8904 Ieper

Langemark German War Cemetery
We continued our trip and went on to Langemark, where the first gas attacks took place, to visit the German war cemetery. More than 44,000 German soldiers are buried here, almost 25,000 of them in a mass grave.
If you come to meditate, this is a very good place to be. It was calm and quiet at the popular landmark like Tyne Cot, but this place was absolutely abandoned. The flat grave markers give this cemetery a distinct and modest look. The German graveyards are very different than the somewhat pompous Tyne Cot.
Practical info for visiting Langemark German war cemetery:
- Address: Klerkenstraat 64, 8920 Poelkapelle

Essex Farm Cemetery
One of the best known WWI sites in Ypres is the Essex Farm Cemetery. If you have the time, it’s definitely worth a visit too. You can read more about it here: Essex Farm.
Yser Tower – IJzertoren Diksmuide
The kids wanted to see the Yser Tower (IJzertoren) so we drove to the nearby town of Diksmuide. The Yser Tower is a peace monument and commemorates the soldiers killed on the Yser Front during WWI.
The Yser Tower, the highest peace monument in Europe, symbolizes the demand for peace. Words ‘No more war’ are written on the tower in the four languages of the fighting forces in the area during the First World War (Dutch, French, English, and German).
We knew it would be too late to visit the 22-floors museum (they close at 5 PM in winter), but we could at least make a walk around the peace site with the tower and the impressive Gate of Peace.

Trench of Death, Diksmuide
You can also visit the Trench of Death near Diksmuide. It’s a larger site than the Yorkshire Trench & Dug-Out. We skipped this as it was already dark by the time we were in the area. From what I understand, it’s a much more popular site with longer trenches, so if you have time to do just one, try the Trench of Death.
Here you can find more info for visiting the Trench of Death.
Vladslo German War Cemetery
Our next stop was the Vladslo German war cemetery. It’s one of the many cemeteries in the area, with almost 26,000 soldiers buried there.
It is an impressive place, with each gravestone containing 20 names of soldiers. But it is especially known for the Grieving Parents statues by Käthe Kollwitz, whose son is buried in this cemetery.
It was getting pretty dark by now and walking amongst the graves of so many young men who lost their life here was a moving and unusual experience. Although it all happened a hundred years ago we could still feel the pain, the suffering, and the death around us.

Suggested one day itinerary for Ypres and the World War I Battlefields in Belgium
Visiting Ypres and the war cemeteries was a unique experience, also for the children. We won’t quickly forget it!
If you are visiting Belgium, I highly recommend paying a visit to the WWI battlefields and Ypres.
If you have your own car and want to visit the most interesting WWI battlefields and cemeteries around Ypres in a day, I suggest the following itinerary:
Vladslo German war cemetery – the Trench of Death – Yser Tower and the Gate of Peace – Tyne Cot – Essex Farm or Langemark German War Cemetery – Ypres.
READ ALSO: What to See & Do in Bruges
Best Tours to Ypres & WWI Battlefields
If you don’t have a car, it’s best to book an organized tour to Ypres (see below). You can also take a train to Ypres and visit the sights in town, but it’s not easy to see any other sights if you don’t have transportation.
Ypres tour from Brussels. This might be a good day trip to consider if you are staying in Brussels for a few days. However, the tours for visiting Ypres from Brussels seem to have been discontinued. So you would have to first take a train to Bruges and then a tour from there – see below.
There are several organized tours to the Ypres battlefields that leave from Bruges. Bruges is very close to Ypres, so this is something definitely worth doing if you are staying there for a few days. Check this highly-rated tour to Ypres from Bruges.
TIP: You can easily take a train to Bruges from any other city in Belgium and join this tour for a day – it starts and ends at the train station in Bruges.
READ ALSO: Best Tours in Bruges & Nearby
Tips for Visiting Ypres and WWI Sites
- Plan ahead what you want to see, read about the places you want to visit, and decide on your itinerary in advance. There is so much to do in the area! If you travel with kids, you may want to tell them some history so that they know what to expect and understand what they see. Ypres City has an excellent website to help you prepare for your trip.
- If you are planning to travel by car, start your day early in the morning, especially in winter. Or stay overnight and take your time to explore the area more in-depth. We recommend this website for car hire. And if you are looking for a nice hotel in Ypres, check out Ariane Hotel.
- Take a picnic lunch if you are visiting the cemeteries during the day. We went to Ypres for lunch but wasted so much time on this.
- Dress warmly for the cemetery visits. There is a lot of wind in the area.
Books and Movies about the WWI
If you like history and want to know a bit more about World War I, here are some great book- and movie suggestions:
- The guns of August by Barbara Tuchman – about the start of WW I.
- The Great War: A Combat History of the First World War by Peter Hart.
- Voices from the Front: An Oral History of the Great War by Peter Hart.
- Movie and books about Passchendaele.
Yes, Ypres is worth visiting. The city is beautiful with some impressive landmarks, including Menin Gate and Flanders Fields Museum. In addition, Ypres is the starting point for visiting the World War I sites, battlefields, and war cemeteries throughout the region.
Ypres is best known as the site of five WWI battles between Germans and the Allied armies. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers have lost their lives near Ypres during the First World War. It was in Ypres that mustard gas (now called ‘Ieperiet’ or ‘Yperiet’) was used by Germans in 1917 for the first time.
At least 1 million people died in the battles near Ypres during WWI, with estimates up to 1,35 million casualties. First Battle (Oct-Nov 1914) had over 250,000 casualties, the Second Battle (Apr-May 1915) – around 100,000 casualties. The Battle of Passchendaele (July-November 1917) had around 400,000 to 800,000 casualties. The Fourth Battle of Ypres – 200,000 casualties, and the Fith Battle of Ypres had at least 10,000 casualties.
Yes, you can visit Ypres and Belgian WWI sites as a day trip from Brussels. Ypres is 120km from Brussels and it takes about 1,5 – 2 hours to drive there by car. You can also get to Ypres by train. But if you want to visit the war sites, it’s best to either come by car or with an organized tour from Bruges.
So, this is our guide to visiting the Flanders Fields and Ypres. If you are visiting Belgium and are not sure how to best plan your time, please check our suggested Belgium itinerary for 3 or 4 days. It covers all the musts!
READ ALSO: Fun Facts About Belgium
More tips for visiting Belgium, Luxembourg & The Netherlands:
- Where to go: Belgium Itinerary
- Safety: Is Belgium safe?
- Brussels:
- Winter trip:
- Antwerp:
- With kids:
- Wallonia:
- Amsterdam & The Netherlands:
- Luxembourg:
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thanks so much for your one day suggestions. We’ve just done our day and found it immensely fulfilling and moving. thanks again.
Glad to help, Phil.
It is a very moving place to visit, indeed. And so sad too, even more so these days when it’s very clear that the world still hasn’t learned from the past…
Enjoy the rest of your time in Belgium!
Thank you for the informative blog and the one day itinerary suggestion. It worked great and we had an interesting and smooth day in the Ypres area – all thanks to you! 🙂
Glad to hear that you had a great time and enjoyed your visit to Ypres, Maarit. I really appreciate your kind feedback.
I have visited ypres 3 times every time there is something i missed the time before.
it is a very moveing place. i will be returning next year.
thanks you
Agree with you, Mick. It’s a special place and there is a lot to visit in the region.
Enjoy your 4th trip!
Hi Jurga, it was great reading your blog. I am organising a tour for former, serving and military historians, next Oct. I am myself an ex cavalry officer from the Indian army, and living in the UK. Having gone through your blog, except for transportation to and back from the UK, would you have the time to help me with advice. Would be grateful and obliged. I organise tours to India which include the battlefields there in the east along the Burmese border
Hi Paddy, I’m sorry but I can’t really help you with organizing a trip. I have as much practical information as possible on the blog, but really have no time to help hundreds of thousands of our readers with the practical side of planning their own trips.
I’m sure you’ll figure it out. Planning a trip to Belgium is nothing compared to India 😉
Hello Jurga – thank you for your thoughtful and insightful post. We are visiting the first week in June and had decided to stay in Ghent as a good launching pad to brugge, ypres, brussels. We want to spend a day in Ypres. I would like to take a tour to provide (1) a good concise history and (2) transport to the key sites. What would you recommend? Do I do separate tours in ypres and outside? should I just rent a car and do the outside ypres on my own? It is just my husband and me. Thank you for your advice. Jackie (NYC)
Hi Jackie, generally, we recommend this organized tour. It visits Ypres and also some main places outside the town. The tour leaves from Bruges, but you can easily get there by train from Ghent. There are several trains per hour and it takes about 20-30min depending on which station/ train you take.
If you rather rent a car, you can definitely visit all those places on your own, it just will require some preparation as there are so many cemeteries and places worth visiting. The tours know the best ones and they have perfected their itineraries to make sure you make the most of your time. We drove there from home and been to the area several times to later find out that we missed some interesting places… So I’d recommend going with a tour.
We will be in Belgium in December 2019, in Bruges December 3-5 and Brussels December 5-9. We would really like to do one of the WW1 tours but can’t seem to find any that run in December other than very expensive private ones. Are you aware of any operators that run tours in December?
Hi Christopher, here is a highly-rated WWI Flanders Fields tour that runs from Bruges, also in December.
Hope this helps. Enjoy your trip!
Thank you so much for that great information!
Hi Jurga,
Thank you so much fofor your wonderful information! I am going to Brussels alone and have one day (Tuesday, June 5) to head out to Ypres. Your blog convinced me to take to time to do so!
Anyway, do you know a tour that runs out there on a Tuesday (from Brussels), or a great guide in Ypres?
Thank so ,UCB,
Hi Cindy, there is a highly rated mini bus tour to Ypres that runs on Tuesdays. However, it doesn’t start in Brussels, but at the train station in Bruges. What you could do is take a train from Brussels to Bruges. The tour starts at 9AM. The train takes 1h10 from Brussels Central station and they are quite frequent (7:19AM, 7.25AM, 7.44AM (this is the schedule info for Tuesdays as it is today)). And – when the tour is over – you can still see some of beautiful town of Bruges before going back to Brussels in the evening. 😉
There are more tours to Ypres, also from Brussels as listed in my article above, but at the moment this is the only one I found that goes on Tuesdays.
Hope this helps.
I am planning to visit this area the first week of June, and we were wondering if we only had the day, what should we see and how much time should be plan to spend? I wanted to see Tyne Cot and really need to know how close it is to the centre of Ypres? About six miles? (and is it a fairly ordinary drive?) Can we do the cemetery and go into town and see the Menin Gate and still feasibly have time go head to The Bluff/No Man’s Land (which is not mentioned in this post but we are anxious to see). We may only have a day here (or a little less) total. Thank you!
Hi Stephanie, we did everything that is written in this post in about 6 hours (driving time to get there not included) with kids and also lunch that took us much too long, so yes, you can see all of this and much more in a day if you have a car.
You can use Google Maps to find all the places and estimate driving times. Tyne Cot to Ypres centre is about 15-20min by car (+-8miles). It’s just simple one lane roads, nothing extraordinary, but it’s easier if you have either GPS or Google Maps to get around the area.
Depends where you stay, the highways around Brussels can be busy so don’t leave too late, but once you pass Ghent it’s usually much more quiet. A better place to stay for this area would be Bruges since it’s nearby and you could easily combine your visit to the WWI battlefields with a visit to Bruges.
It’s always important we remember the awful history (that, in reality, was not that long ago).
A very moving post!
Lloyd & Yaya x
Thanks a lot for your comment, Lloyd and Yaya. It was a very moving experience indeed. One I can truly recommend to everyone!
Goodness, what a place! Moving and evoking, nice for your boys to learn some of their history – if not a little sombre. This is a great guide for day trippers though, so concise and well laid out.
Excellent post Jurga. Although I have taught all about WW1 in many history lessons over the years I have yet to visit. A very moving place to experience. I visited the cemetery in Singapore for those who were killed there in WW2 and that was pretty moving.
Being able to get a sense of just how horrific it was in the trenches for so many young men and boys by actually walking along one must have been something to experience.
Despite it being a 100 years ago I think it is important for us to remember. If only the lessons of the past were learnt by some world leaders today.
It’s indeed good to be reminded of those things once in a while, Tracy, hoping that it will never happen again. Watching some of the videos at the museum was too much even for me, I was glad the kids didn’t understand English… Can’t even try to imagine the horrors those young people experienced in the trenches…
Learning about our history and the horrible violence that humans are capable of is of most importance now than ever. You are fantastic parents for planning this trip and doing it in the way you did.
Thank you for sharing.
Thank you so much, Arianne. We’re trying to find the right balance between teaching the kids history and at the same time showing them that the world is a beautiful place with so many kind people wherever you go.