My 10 Favourite Photos from Namibia

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Namibia is one of the most beautiful African countries. It is world-famous for its red sand dune landscapes and Etosha National Park, but has much more to offer than that! It’s not easy to choose just 10 photos from a 4-week trip, but I’ll try anyway.
Here are some of our favorite pictures from Namibia:
1. Deadvlei at sunrise

If you go to Namibia, Sossusvlei will certainly be on your top 3 of the places to visit list in Namibia. And the best time to be there is at sunrise!
The only way to reach Deadvlei and Sossusvlei before sunrise is if you actually stay in the park. We did that, got the kids out of bed before 4 am, and drove on a 4×4 sand road in order to get to Deadvlei in time.
We were prepared for the cold, but it was freezing cold at night in July. So despite all the layers of warm clothing, the kids were so cold and they just refused to climb the dunes. There was no way we could carry them up the hill, so we walked to the Deadvlei instead.
Sunrise was still spectacular in the valley and I was able to take some beautiful pictures as the sand dunes colored bright red with the first rays of the rising sun. We were the only people out there and it was an experience of a lifetime being part of this majestic nature spectacle.
2. Kolmanskop Ghost Town

Kolmanskop Ghost Town near Luderitz town in Southern Namibia is a real photographer’s paradise!
This long-abandoned diamond miners’ town is now only visited by snakes, scorpions, and tourists.
You find old buildings filled with sand and colorful rooms lit by beautiful sunlight… I think I took at least a hundred pictures, so the choice for this selection was tough.
3. Children rolling down the dunes in Sossusvlei

I chose this picture not for the way it looks, but because it puts a smile on my face every time I see it.
It’s the emotions and the laughter of the kids that I remember when I look at it. And the great time we had as a family when we were all five of us running down that dune.
4. Namibian sky at night

African nights cannot be easily described or compared to anything else. Complete darkness, an occasional sound of a wild animal in the distance, and millions and millions of stars…
This was my first try at night photography and I couldn’t have wished for a better place for that. Isn’t that sky amazing?!
5. Spitzkoppe

Could you choose any better location for a picnic lunch than this natural arch at Spitzkoppe?!
That’s what I love about road trips: you can drive to the most remote areas, spend hours exploring the place and not meet a single human being, then find a perfect spot with the most magnificent view for your picnic.
No restaurant with the finest food and a nice view can even try to compare to this! Spitzkoppe is a fascinating place. Absolute silence and the beauty of nature.
6. Elephants in the desert

We saw a herd of desert elephants in the distance when visiting a Himba village near Palmwag in Northern Namibia. But by the time we left the village, they were gone.
It’s amazing how a group of such big animals can just disappear into the landscape…. They were nowhere to be found.
That day, we were on a private tour with a local guide who knew the area pretty well. He left the main road and we crossed the river and drove at a pace of a turtle over a very rough terrain trying to find where the elephants went. Then all of a sudden our oldest son said ‘Look, here they are’! And indeed, the whole group appeared out of nowhere from over a hill just steps away from our jeep.
7. Okaukuejo waterhole in Etosha National Park

I could have chosen any of the few hundred photos I took at Okaukuejo waterhole in Etosha National Park and they would fit well in this selection of our favorite photos from Namibia…
There were 27 elephants drinking there at the same time, three lions just before sunrise, hundreds of zebras running away in panic, some black rhinos drinking at night…
But somehow this picture of our boys watching the elephants captures what Okaukejo waterhole in Etosha is all about.
It’s a great place to see wild animals. No, Okaukuejo is the best place to see safari animals in Etosha. You can just sit at the waterhole day and night and there is always something happening. We spent hours and hours sitting on a bench, we would read a book, have a picnic, go and get some ice cream from a camp store, come back…
It’s unbelievable how much wildlife you can experience at such close proximity with no effort whatsoever.
READ ALSO: Best Places to Stay in Etosha National Park
8. Giraffes at sunset

This is a picture of two giraffes at Okaukuejo waterhole. Yes, it’s a second picture from the same place, but I just couldn’t leave it.
As I was photographing giraffes and elephants at sunset, I realized that there were the most amazing reflections visible in the water.
African sunsets and the bright colors of the sky cannot be easily compared to anywhere else in the world. This is definitely one of my personal favorite pictures from Namibia.
9. The San people

There are lots of different indigenous tribes living in Namibia, and the San people are one of them. I was allowed to take some beautiful portrait pictures of the villagers and especially the children.
This image of a mother with her baby is one of my favorites.
10. The San hunter on a lookout for wildlife

One evening, I went on the sundowner safari ride organized by our hotel. Two San hunters from a nearby village accompanied us to help search for wild animals.
I took this picture when the man jumped out of the jeep and went to look for a pangolin he saw from afar. It’s this combination that captures real San lifestyle, beautiful African savannah, and the perfect lighting at sunset that makes this my absolute favorite of all our Namibian pictures.
READ ALSO: Our Top Tips & Tricks for Better Travel Photos
I hope you enjoyed the pictures and the stories behind them just as much as I enjoyed writing this. Maybe I could inspire you to put Namibia on your ‘places to visit’ list.
If you are looking for more inspiration, take a look at our small selection of favorite pictures from South Africa. For more information about visiting Namibia, take a look at the selection of some of our articles below.
More inspiration and information for visiting Namibia:
- Practical info: Namibia travel tips
- Itinerary: Namibia road trip itinerary
- Safari: Africa safari tips
- What to wear: Namibia packing list
- For families: Namibia with kids
Is it ok to rent a motorhome?
Thank you!
Hi Carmen, you can rent a motorhome, but it’s better to rent a 4×4 with a tent on the roof. Most roads in Namibia aren’t really ideal with a motorhome and it will take you ages to get anywhere.
Here you can find some practical information about traveling to Namibia.
I am a Namibian tour guide and always suggest to go in a small Safari group when you first come to Namibia. The info you get from your guide you cannot get in any guide book.
Thank you so much Jurga! I will check on the tour groups that you suggested. 🙂
Hi Jurga,
How was your experience when you joined the tour? I’m planning to go there in July (i think I’m already a bit late in planning). I’m interested for see Etosha, Sossusvlei and different tribes and we are not comfortable in driving so I think joining the tour group is better for us. Do you have tour agencies to recommend?
By the way, you have a great blog. It makes me more eager to see Namibia.
Thanks! 🙂
Hi Sheena, first of all, thank you. Appreciate your kind words.
As for Namibia, we rented a car and traveled on our own. With three kids joining a tour is not ideal 🙂 Often, a tour will be cheaper though, especially if you are just with one or two people. There are also tours with camping rather than expensive lodges, or a combination of both…
Indeed, you are a bit late in your planning, but if you join an organized tour, it’s not really a problem, since they usually have everything pre-booked and arranged in advance. There are so many tour agencies, I cannot really recommend any. I think budget-wise it’s best to fly to Namibia individually and join a small group international tour there.
love all you pictures and stories! 🙂
you should try Tokyo with the kids one day!! i have 3 kids and we spent 2 weeks there it was so fun 🙂
Thank you Valerie. Two weeks in a city with kids! It has to be really good then 😉 Maybe will get there one day.
Nog iets vergeten vragen ;)! Mocht je tips hebben voor overnachtingsplekken, mag je dit gerust delen. We waren wat aan het uitzoeken en merkten dat overnachtingen vaak heel duur zijn…daarom dat we op de idee kwamen om een auto met daktent te huren…
En, welke auto hebben jullie gehuurd? En via welke maatschappij?
And to answer your question in regards to accommodation in Namibia. Yes, it can be very expensive and a tented 4×4 vehicle is indeed a very good option if you are on a tighter budget and like the freedom. As you can see, we travelled with three young children and we didn’t camp, so I cannot help you in regards to campings or a car choice. We rented a 4×4 Toyota Hilux from Europcar. If I remember well they had exact same cars with a tent on the roof as well.
I think that a tented 4×4 is a very good option to explore Namibia and in any case it’s a bit late to look for accommodation for this summer, unless you are traveling with only 2 people and are very flexible. You can also book one or two lodges/hotels during your trip, that way you can combine the two – camping and a few days of luxury like a warm shower and a good bed. Swakopmund is a good place to stay at a hotel as there is much more choice and the prices are lower. I had a link to a guesthouse we stayed at in one of my posts, you can check it out.
Wij plannen een trip naar Namibië in onze zomer (daar winter ;)) en je blog geeft ons een schat aan informatie, bedankt!
Is er ergens een blogpost waar je jullie route hebt geplaatst? We zijn van plan om ongeveer een kleine 3 weken rond te reizen met een 4×4 met daktent. Ik zit een beetje vast met de routeplanning…is er een blogpost waar je je route hebt beschreven? Zo een grote hulp zijn :)!
Hi Elisa,
Hope you don’t mind if I answer in English – that way other readers can follow as well. Thanks a lot for your feedback, glad that you can find all kinds of useful information for your trip to Namibia.
To answer your question in regards to Namibia trip itinerary, no I haven’t posted it yet. It’s been on my mind for a while, but since this blog is rather new, I have more ideas than the time to write about it all. It’s a bit too long to explain in a nutshell, therefore I will write about the trip we made in a new post. Just give me a few days, ok?
UPDATE: As promised – our Namibia trip itinerary. Hope it helps you and the other readers. Happy trip planning!
Hi Jurga,
I will answer in English as well! Thanks a lot for the information…it’s very helpful. I am already looking forward to your post about your itinerary :). We always plan our trips by ourselves and we also book everything without a touring operator. A travelblog is so so useful when we are planning our own trips (and we love roadtrips)!